Customer relationship management system

Industry: business services
Country: Poland
Technologies: Django JavaScript Python React TypeScript
Scope: web application
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GrywIT is a service company that professionally implements gamification, motivation, building commitment and positive habits among employees of various companies with the help of workshops and new technology tools such as dedicated applications.


Grywit asked INNOKREA to design and implement a system supporting the sale of the products and services they offer.

As part of GRYWIT’s operational activities, the purpose of the new tool was, among other

  • Reducing the time needed to make a colleague aware of all GRYWIT projects being implemented. If a given employee is absent from the company, his or her case can in most cases be resolved by another person who can check the status of projects and conversations with clients on an ongoing basis.
  • Secondly, full information about the customer in one place was supposed to make it easier for the employee to quickly check when he last contacted a given customer, what the effects of these conversations were, and even what services the customer ordered a month or a year ago.


As part of the cooperation, modern software for small and medium-sized companies supporting sales management (CRM) was created. A lightweight, intuitive and browser-based solution allows salespeople to work effectively in the field and in the office.

The greatest advantage of the proposed solution is its extraordinary usability (adapted based on many years of experience in sales management) and its availability from a web browser on any mobile devices and desktop or laptop computers.

Business effect

GrywIT has implemented an effective business process to support sales and manage relationships with its own clients. Thanks to the implementation of the project, among others: the implementation of a new sales employee is 3 times faster than before, and the working time related to the work of sellers in the implementation of the sales process has been reduced by over 50%.

The implemented modern CRM system also helped provide better customer service, enabling personalized interactions, faster response times and more effective problem solving. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal supporters of the Grywit brand.

The company appreciated us for creating an application that was easy to use but not devoid of many functionalities. What GrywIT emphasizes as an advantage of cooperation with us is a very good relationship and a high level of cooperation, thanks to which the final product is what they expect.

Solution for GRYWIT

50 %
process handling
time was reduced

0 pln
data migration
to the new system cost

times faster
Onboarding a new employee

Contact us to find out how we can help you manage your sales effectively, shorten process handling time and improve relationships with your customers.


We highly recommend INNOKREA services! Cooperation in the project, consisting in building a web application, was professional and without reservations. The solution met all our expectations and we will certainly use INNOKREA's services in the future.

Anna Jankowiak


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At INNOKREA, we take pride in crafting bespoke solutions and custom software tailored to our clients' unique needs. With a team of over 25 skilled engineers proficient in 100+ technologies, we ensure top-notch quality, earning the trust of 100+ clients worldwide, all backed by our ISO 9001 badge of excellence. At our core, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of product engineering, delivering cutting-edge solutions that drive success for businesses across industries.

Tomasz Klajbor, CEO at INNOKREA

Tomasz Klajbor